A List of Common Stereotypes
Stereotype: (noun) a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing: the stereotype of the woman as the carer | sexual and racial stereotypes.
It will be remarked that among the special characteristics of crowds there are several—such as impulsiveness, irritability, incapacity to reason, the absence of judgment and of the critical spirit, the exaggeration of the sentiments, and others besides—which are almost always observed in beings belonging to inferior forms of evolution—in women, savages, and children, for instance. —Gustave Le Bon
A recurrent, underlying theme on this blog will be addressing stereotypes, and asking the question, To what extent are they nonsense or malicious lies, and to what extent are they really based on empirical reality, i.e., potentially useful generalizations? Well, maybe that’s two questions. Anyway, as a way of warming up to the subject, here is a list I’ve compiled of some of the commoner ones, in no particular order. Feel free to add more if you like.
- Americans are obese.
- Americans are always “busy.”
- Mexicans are lazy.
- Mexicans in America spend half their income tricking out their car.
- Canadians are offended to be mistaken for Americans.
- Canadians are secretly jealous of Americans while pretending to despise them.
- Jews are clever, “acquisitive,” and prone to whining.
- East Asians are good at math and engineering.
- Women are more compassionate, irrational, and emotionally complicated than men.
- Women have insecurity issues and traumatize easily.
- Men do not have insecurity issues or traumatize easily because they are shut down, insensitive, and “numb.”
- Women are slaves to fashion.
- Gay men are slaves to fashion.
- Women are subjective; men are objective.
- Men are obsessed with sex.
- Men see women as sex objects.
- Women don’t want to be seen as sex objects…but wear low-cut blouses and short skirts anyway, just because they like it.
- Women are obsessed with gossip, and with what the neighbors think.
- Women like love stories.
- Black people are more emotional than white people.
- British people love tea, the Queen, and gratuitous pictures of topless women in their newspapers.
- Americans are prone to mass hysteria.
- East Asians can’t pronounce “l” and “r” correctly.
- American blacks can’t pronounce English correctly, having special issues with “th” (“Well den, dat ain’t nuffin.”)
- The English and Germans are cold, phlegmatic people.
- The English and Germans are lousy lovers.
- The Scots are even colder and more phlegmatic than the English.
- The French are “skilled in the arts of love.”
- The French are addicted to oral sex (no pun intended).
- French people urinate in the street.
- Women are less mechanically inclined than men.
- Asian women are quiet, demure, and passive.
- Asian women are eager to catch a Western man.
- West Asian women have a big nose and big breasts.
- East Asian women have a small nose and small breasts (with the exception of a few prodigious Japanese porn starlets).
- Arab women are loud, shrill, and sharp-tongued when not in public.
- College rugby players throw the wildest parties.
- Asians like their fish full of sharp bones, and prefer rice to “real” food.
- Women actually prefer rice crackers and raw celery to real food like doughnuts.
- Men actually prefer doughnuts and Snickers bars to real food like raw celery.
- East Indians, Pakistanis, and Bangladeshis are abrasive, selfish, and “in your face.”
- Men are better drivers than women.
- Young men drive like maniacs.
- Asians drive like idiots.
- White people can’t dance.
- Black people have a special liking for ribs, fried chicken, and/or watermelon.
- Black men prefer women with big legs and a big behind (“big boo-tay”).
- Europeans and Latin Americans take “football” (i.e. soccer) very, very seriously.
- Southern European people are more emotional and passionate than Northern Europeans.
- Bull terriers are vicious dogs (ha, threw in an animal one there).
- The Irish are short, aggressive, Catholic, red-haired, and libidinous.
- The Russians and Irish are alcoholics, and may occasionally be found lying passed out in the street.
- Australians and Canadians can drink gallons of beer without getting drunk.
- Australians barbecue shrimps while wearing a bush hat turned up on one side.
- Australians say, “G’die mite.”
- Canadians say “Ey” about once every two sentences.
- Southerners say “Y’all.”
- Texans say “Howdy.”
- Muslims say “Allahu akbar” while shooting strangers and throwing gay men off buildings.
- Pirates wear an eye patch, have at least one crude prosthetic limb, sport a parrot on one shoulder, and say “Shiver me timbers,” “Avast, me hearties!,” and “Arrrrrr” (unless they’re Somalian pirates, in which case none of this applies).
- Sailors say “Ahoy.”
- Sailors, dock workers, and Russians swear profusely.
- Sailors head straight for a bar, and then a brothel, as soon as they get shore leave with pay.
- Gay men who join the armed forces prefer the Navy.
- Sailors are superstitious.
- Old women are superstitious.
- Women turn to religion after their beauty fades.
- When females fight, one of them always calls the other one a bitch.
- Old people are politically conservative.
- Young people are radical leftists, unless they’re Christian or intending to go into business.
- Millennials communicate mainly through acronyms and clicking “like” (lol).
- Rich people are snobbish elitists.
- The very rich are ruthlessly greedy, and see poor people merely as a resource to be exploited.
- Poor people are more generous than rich people.
- Poor people are poor because they’re stupid and/or lazy.
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law enforcement officers in America's rural deep South look like this "Yoah chawaghed with travelin' thutty-foah mahls puh houah in a fahv mahl puh houah zone!" |
- Germans despise themselves and their country, considering any patriotic German to be a Nazi.
- Germans are serious, precise, and methodical, even when behaving like fools.
- Germans are continually trying to conquer and/or destroy Europe (with Angela Merkel being no exception).
- Germanic women are buxom.
- Dutch and Scottish people are blunt and stingy.
- The Dutch look down on the Belgians for being too polite.
- The French can’t stand that English-speaking people are more powerful and successful than they are.
- The French are decadent and effete.
- Swiss people wear lederhosen, and hats with a little feather stuck into one side.
- Swiss women are blondes with long braided hair and peaches and cream complexions.
- Europeans are cynical atheists.
- Europeans have the most extreme pornography.
- Eastern Europeans are very friendly, generous, and hospitable, but intolerant of Muslims, leftists, and homosexuals.
- The Russians are a soulful people of deep feeling, which helps to counterbalance their shortcomings.
- Americans are superficial, boorish, and ignorant, considering nations other than the USA to be unimportant.
- Americans are rich, spoiled, and naively cheerful.
- Americans are generous with their money.
- Americans treat their pets as though they were their biological children.
- Haitians sacrifice chickens at voodoo ceremonies.
- Turks are uncivilized and brutal.
- The Afghans are stoic, violent barbarians ruled by warlords.
- Koreans eat kimchee and dog meat, worship their ancestors, and hate the Japanese.
- About half of Japanese porn is about schoolgirls being raped, often by monsters with tentacles.
- Japanese men treat their women like dirt.
- Japanese women like Western men because they don’t treat them like Japanese men do.
- Women see each other as rivals.
- Women are catty and spiteful.
- Gay men are catty and spiteful.
- Gay men are rampantly promiscuous.
- Western college girls are rampantly promiscuous.
- Red-haired women are hot-tempered, and hot in bed.
- Blonde women, cosmetologists, and females named Tiffany are likely to be airheads.
- Italian women are hairy, and go completely to seed by middle age.
- Japanese men lust for white women, especially tall, voluptuous blondes.
- Black men lust for white women in general.
- White women (especially college girls) lust for black men.
- Men who like pornography are still emotionally 13 years old.
- Women are more vain than men.
- Men are more vain than women.
- French people and Russians bathe infrequently.
- People from America’s Pacific Northwest are ecological socialists, eat organic food obtained at co-ops, wear sandals with socks all year round, and drink gourmet (preferably organic) lattes.
- People from California, Massachusetts, and Colorado are “progressive.”
- Californians are decadent communists.
- California is a haven for lunatics.
- Texans and other southerners are Bible-thumping redneck hicks.
- Texans wear Stetson cowboy hats, and drive pickup trucks when not actually riding horses.
- White People in the deep south are toothless racists with names like Beaufort and Eddie Clyde, who wear baseball caps and overalls with no shirt.
- People in Idaho and Montana are survivalist white supremacists with stockpiles of weapons and ammo.
- Scandinavians are even more decadent and communistic than Californians.
- Mediterranean people are loud.
- Mediterranean men are hairy and strong-smelling.
- Hindus in India won’t kill bugs, but lie without compunction and steal anything that isn’t nailed down.
- East Indians are very spiritual, and have at least one guru.
- Tibetans have arcane knowledge and mysterious occult powers.
- Columbians are drug growers, drug dealers, drug mules, or else pick coffee beans.
- Canadians like ice hockey.
- A dog is man’s best friend.
- A whore’s oath is not to be trusted (this one is as old as the preceding one).
- Socialists are amoral, materialistic atheists.
- Socialists consider any atrocity to be justified if it helps them to attain socialist goals.
- Young people are constantly texting, or else virtue signaling on Facebook.
- Western university students are extremely prone to bouts of howling hysteria over social issues.
- Jews have big noses.
- Jewish parents pressure their children to become overachieving doctors and lawyers.
- New York City, including Wall Street, is owned by Jews.
- New Yorkers are brash, competitive, and always in a hurry.
- New Yorkers like to make fun of people from New Jersey.
- The most dangerous person in the world is a Jew with a lawyer.
- Lawyers are sly, unscrupulous, and shifty.
- Globalists are sly, unscrupulous, and shifty.
- American politicians are owned and controlled by campaign donors and lobbyists.
- Politicians in democratic countries are hypocritical crooks primarily concerned with getting votes.
- Politicians in undemocratic countries are ruthless, genocidal sociopaths.
- Americans who voted for Trump are racist bigots opposed to goodness, justice, and the survival of the planet.
- Americans who didn’t vote for Trump are trying to destroy the USA, and all that it stands for.
- Old men drive slow.
- Old men tell the same old stories over and over again.
- Old men are grumpy.
- Old women are not grumpy, own many cats, spend evenings watching the Home Shopping Network with no intention of buying anything, and bake lots of banana bread, feeding it to children if they can find them.
- Women actually enjoy taking care of sick people, and even squeezing other people’s pimples.
- Women enjoy painting each other’s toenails.
- Women go all gushy when they see a cute baby.
- Women are able to cry at will, and use this as a weapon against men.
- Men are insensitive aggressors all doped up on testosterone.
- A woman wants a man who makes her feel special.
- A man wants a woman who is an angel in public and a whore in private.
- Men think women should be their adoring servants and sex toys.
- Blacks have large genitalia and insatiable, indiscriminate sex drives.
- East Asians have small genitalia and must stimulate their libidos with perversion.
- Black men disrespect, abuse, and occasionally beat “ho’s,” that is, black women.
- Men secretly fear the power of women.
- Heterosexual men are secretly afraid of being gay.
- Catholic girls are easy.
- Western European girls are easy.
- American girls are easiest of all, but may decide that you raped them more than six months afterwards.
- People from the Middle East are violent and fanatical.
- People from the Middle East eat stuff like figs, hummus, and goat meat, with their fingers, in tents.
- Jamaicans wear dreadlocks, listen to Reggae, smoke incredibly potent dope cigars all day long, and consider a 20th-century Ethiopian monarch to be God.
- Progressives revere Che Guevara and the flag of the Soviet Union.
- Buddhist monks are adepts at several martial arts.
- Buddhists are devout followers of the Dalai Lama, ring bells and gongs, and burn lots of incense.
- American Buddhists like to meditate, but don’t like to do anything else that is actually Buddhist.
- Hindus smear ashes and other substances on their forehead and worship multi-armed idols.
- Korean girls are smoking hot.
- Koreans are yellow, slant-eyed, and smell like garlic.
- South Korean men are drunken ne’er-do-wells with military black belts in tae kwon do.
- North Koreans are pathetic brainwashed zombies who worship a fat little maniac with ridiculous hair.
- The Japanese are xenophobic.
- The Japanese are extremely clean and polite, and bow frequently.
- The Japanese are obsessed by anime, kaiju, and Hello Kitty.
- The Japanese are into bathing naked in public groups, in scalding-hot water.
- Thais are extremely polite.
- The Thais are sexually perverted, even to the point of selling their own preteen daughters to Bangkok brothels.
- Thai people eat much, much spicier food than white people can possibly eat.
- The Vietnamese are totally inscrutable, and commonly drink snake blood at sidewalk stalls.
- Southeast Asian people are quiet, peaceful, and self-restrained, until they reach a certain point of frustration, snap, and go completely berserk. Like, really completely berserk.
- Sikhs resent being confused with Muslims.
- Greek men like anal sex.
- Greek men spend their days at sidewalk cafes drinking ouzo and tiny cups of extremely strong, syrupy coffee.
- Italians drink lots of red wine and argue in the middle of the street.
- The Americans and British are obsessed with scandal and hype, and cannot differentiate them from actual news.
- Europeans wear scantier swimwear the more unsightly their bodies are.
- Slavic women wear head scarves and have white, pasty complexions, with usually a large mole or wart, and thick ankles; although they may be pretty for a short time when they are young.
- Roman Catholics have low intelligence and multiply like rabbits.
- Mormon women are remarkably attractive.
- Mormon missionaries dress immaculately.
- Jehovah’s Witnesses are outrageously gullible, narrow-minded, and audaciously obtrusive.
- Hispanics in America live three families to a room (or garage, or basement).
- Hispanics in America work as migrant fruit pickers.
- Muslims are plotting to take over the world.
- Muslim migrants in Europe are plotting to take over Europe.
- Muslim migrants are mostly aggressive young men who are targeting countries with the best welfare deals.
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Muslim migrants in Europe are like this |
- Jews are plotting to take over the world, or have already taken it over.
- Feminized socialists are plotting to take over the world, or have already taken it over.
- Catholics are more devout than Protestants.
- Catholic priests are pedophiles.
- Any religiously devout politician is plotting to establish a theocracy.
- All religions are bad, but Christianity is the worst.
- People who practice witchcraft or modern paganism are closet Satanists.
- Conservatives deny global warming because believing it will cause them to make less money.
- Liberals are soft-headed and can believe damn near anything, or pretend to believe it.
- Conservatives are hard-headed, greedy, and selfish.
- Professional entertainers (“show business people”) have the morals of alleycats and marry and divorce several times, occasionally to the very same person.
- Millennials are spoiled, pampered, lazy, and brainwashed.
- Millennials have no sense of history and are incapable of critical thought.
- Members of the alt-right are geeky, edgy young video gamers with no actual social life, or else sociopathic Nazis.
- Political leftists have no sense of humor.
- Neocon Republicans in America are almost exactly the same as Democrats.
- The far left is almost exactly the same as the far right.
- Feminists are dumpy, unattractive, man-hating lesbians.
- Feminists are motivated by seething resentment over the fact that they aren’t men.
- Feminists and lesbians dye their hair all sorts of bizarre, unnatural colors, like magenta and turquoise blue.
- Anyone who isn’t a feminist—including any woman who isn’t a feminist—hates women.
- Anyone who isn’t politically correct is a fascist (and racist, and misogynist, and Islamophobe, and…).
- Anyone who isn’t a rightist is a Marxist or radical anarchist.
- Any black person who opposes affirmative action and the welfare state is an Uncle Tom and a traitor to his victimized race.
- Leftists are hysterical, brainwashed, and insane.
- Rightists are pure evil.
- American police officers are racists, with even the black ones hating black people.
- American police officers eat lots of doughnuts.
- Librarians are quiet, passive, and sexually repressed.
- Surgeons are macho.
- Dentists derive a feeling of power from the pain they inflict on others.
- Psychologists and psychiatrists are mentally unstable and deranged.
- Used car salesmen are ruthless con artists.
- Plumbers have crack back (i.e., exposed buttock cleavage).
- Barbers (as opposed to hair stylists) talk about baseball and golf all the goddam time.
- Accountants are dull, nondescript nebbishes.
- Artists are eccentric, if not downright insane.
- Female poets are emotionally traumatized femme lesbians, and/or psychotic.
- Male dancers, hair stylists, and fashion designers are gay.
- Fashion models are tall, skinny, and anemic.
- All waitresses have at least one tattoo.
- Biker chicks have at least several tattoos.
- Telemarketers live in India.
- Insurance salespeople and real estate agents perversely regard their job as a religion.
- Corporate executives consider making money in and of itself to be a religion.
- Scientists wear white lab coats with pens in the breast pocket, and black horn rim glasses.
- Scientists started out as unpopular geeks with no social life, and most of them remain that way.
- Scientists devote themselves religiously to Science in order to give their life meaning.
- Political activists devote themselves religiously to political activism in order to give their life meaning.
- American academics, actors, singers, and mainstream journalists are communist propagandists.
- American academics live in constant fear of having their career or reputation ruined by aggressive student activists, even if they are the ones who taught them to be that way (this stereotype is a new one).
- Female environmentalists have hairy legs and armpits, and wear Birkenstocks and a nose ring.
- American children tyrannize over their parents, as it is now illegal to punish them.
- Americans respect nature, but don’t have much respect for each other.
- Asians much prefer boy babies to girl ones.
- Asians dislike dogs, and animals in general.
- Asians still revere and propitiate dead ancestors, and not only believe in ghosts but actually see them.
- Chinese businessmen firmly believe in astrology and magic, and hire wizards to help them defeat their rivals in business.
- The Chinese eat lots of pork.
- The Japanese mainly eat rice, raw fish, and seaweed, with chopsticks, while sitting on mats on the floor.
- It is good manners in Asia to slurp and belch loudly while eating.
- Wealthy Asians ostentatiously consume totally bizarre substances like fugu, monkey brains, and civet-dung coffee, mainly just because it’s expensive and only rich people can afford it.
- Polish people eats lots of sausage.
- Russians live mainly on beets, lard, pickles, and vodka.
- The Irish, and people from Idaho, eat lots of potatoes.
- Mexicans eat beans, tortillas, and sometimes cats.
- Americans eat meat, potatoes, and apple pie.
- Americans eat lots of hamburgers.
- Italians eat lots of pasta, with their mothers having a secret recipe for red sauce.
- Spanish people like bullfights, or just turning wild bulls loose in the street to gore and trample people.
- Eastern Europeans ineptly try to follow Western styles, being two to three decades behind.
- Western Europeans are vehemently determined to destroy themselves and their culture, as atonement for being white.
- French people talk through their nose.
- Italians wave their arms around when they talk.
- East Indians grin and bobble their head when they talk.
- East Indian men have thick tufts of hair sprouting from their ears.
- Black people dance much better than white people do.
- Black people give their children weird names like Orenthal, Jamelle, and Shakeesha.
- Black people are naturally better at all athletics except swimming.
- The only sport East Asians are naturally good at is pingpong.
- Eastern Europeans are instinctively good at chess.
- Hungarians have a unibrow.
- Eastern Europeans are the only devout Christians left in the western world.
- Black Christians have deep faith, and get emotionally worked up at revival meetings.
- Young urban black men are mostly “gangstas” who dropped out of school, wear expensive basketball shoes, sell drugs, and listen to hiphop.
- Young urban black women mostly live on welfare with several children by several fathers, none of whom they ever married, some of whom they might not even know.
- Poor white people in the USA and Canada live in trailer parks, subsist on junk food, and are addicted to methamphetamine.
- Poor people who live in the southeastern USA are incestuous.
- Western European men are either culturally castrated and weak, or else Nazi white supremacists who howl like dogs and punch walls or each other while listening to death metal.
- East Asians are unimaginative and dogmatic, improving upon the ideas of others but having few if any original ideas of their own.
- People in Africa live in filth, squalor, famine, disease, civil war, and misery.
- Serial killers are white men who were abused as children and who suffer from sexual inadequacy.
- The Russians always die like flies in wars, but eventually win when the enemy freezes to death.
- New Zealanders hate being confused with Australians.
- Austrians hate being confused with Germans or Australians. (Did you read “Australians” instead of “Austrians” the first time? Austrians hate that.)
- The Norwegians, Danes, and Finns consider Swedish men to be hopelessly wimpy, and/or gay.
- The Brazilians and Argentinians despise each other.
- New Age people are obsessed with “cleanses” and can believe absolutely anything.
- New Age spirituality is based upon astrology, tarot cards, “yoga,” organic food, and the channeling of space aliens and/or the Archangel Metatron.
- Californians and New Agers eat weird stuff like quinua, chia seeds, and goji berries, and drink kombucha.
- Muslims are evil terrorists who want to convert the entire world to Islam, by violence if convenient.
- Muslim men beat their wives and feel free to kill their own daughters.
- Muslims are a peace-loving people who have absolutely nothing to do with terrorism or violence.
- Christians are so pathetically conservative, narrow-minded, and out-of-date as to be essentially medieval.
- American Indians have wise elders who despair of everyone in the tribe younger than them.
- American Indians have no resistance to alcoholism.
- American Indians live on reservations resembling ghettos supported by welfare and a tribal casino.
- Eskimos are liberally subsidized by the government, are exempt from many laws, and ride around on snowmobiles shooting endangered arctic wildlife with high-powered rifles.
- The Chinese consider following the official narrative to be more important than actual reality.
- The Chinese believe that the bones of endangered animals are a natural substitute for Viagra.
- Asians have no concept of privacy, except maybe, some of them, when they’re using the toilet.
- Japanese women have low self esteem.
- Japanese women speak with high, whispery, flute-like voices and cover their mouth when they smile or laugh.
- The Japanese consider making money to be the most important aspect of existence.
- Rock stars and yoga instructors get the most sex.
- Americans are relentlessly inventing things, fixing things that aren’t broken, and worrying and taking precautions against disasters that probably won’t happen anyway (in other words, they’re fussy).
- American minorities vote Democrat because they want free handouts.
- Black people blame white people for all their problems.
- White people are default racists.
- White men are the cause of all the social injustice in the world.
- If white people aren’t politically correct progressives, it’s because they selfishly refuse to surrender their ill-gotten, undeserved privileges.
- Anyone who demonstrates against President Trump, or in favor of leftist causes, is a shill funded by George Soros.
- Anyone who criticizes a leftist point of view in a leftist comments section (or a rightist point of view in a rightist comments section) is a paid troll.
- Country and small town people are friendlier, more hospitable, and more religious than city people.
- Country and small town people are ignorant, narrow-minded, conservative rubes.
- The Irish and Scots (plus probably the Welsh and Manx) resent the English.
- Everyone resents the Americans.
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feminists are like this (she really is one, too) |
And all these are TRUE!